What's Kman thinking?
Kman is my handle on Kajuta, a server part of the Final Fantasy XI community. This is my journey to become the best Red Mage on Kujata.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
I'm so sorry for my long absense and neglecting this blog I've currenly been writing in my more personal blog which is not ffxi related. For over two weeks now I have not logged onto FFXI. It comes a point where you really froget why you enjoy the game. This break from the game was a way to really remember why I play it. After the first week that I spent with my good friend Jeremy I had been considering leaving FFXI for a few months and doing a perm. account suspension. So I finally found inspiration to play again and will probably log on tomorow to finish up WHM etc.

I guess I'm going to need to level THF up after I finish whm which is currently 31ish I guess. I'm going to ask to borrow Akujin's leaping boots and hairpin as after selling mine their is no chance of rebuying those items ^^;
I'll level up thf and try to do it as quickly as I can. Probably use next week for that. Than after thief is 37ish or 40ish I'll push DRK to 40ish with a buffer with simular gear so it's ready for CoP.
Than I'll begin farming gil. I'm going to head down to Monastic caves and give my shot at orc mask desynthesis. If I'm lucky I'll be able to rack in 1mil or so per farming run. Every 1 million in gil I'll spend leveling Goldsmithing which is trully what brough me back to the game. I've decided to fully dwelve into the craft. I'm going to begin collecting platinum nuggets from all my mules and stack as much as I possibly can. I'll synth in intervals of 1 mil and it should not take me more than 4million or 48 synth to get to 53GS. Than simply purchase nuggets off the AH and store them.
Also I'm going to start collecting Guild Points (GPs) again and this time it's not for the body piece at 68 but for the Gold Ensorcellment key item. This item is my trick to get through the 50s without scratching my wallet to much. In order to support GSing and GPs I'm going to begin rock HQing. While tremandously tricky I'm going to need to get good at it early. I plan to collect 36 rocks and run them through wind crystals under full moon or new moon on windsday, earthsday darksday and iceday. I'll post my results for this if I'm lucky I might pull of the 1/100 chance of HQ3 ^^;
The 50s no matter how much you try simply aren't pretty and it takes effort to get past the 50s and the 70s in GS. After 57 again comes a fun farming experience this time killing moblins. Considering their low level I should be able to really farm these guys well with /thf. The idea here is to steal as many plt. beastcoins as possible. I'll take this opportunity to also level up dagger (need to get get hornet needle).
I'll leave the guide at this point but I have a strategy to 100+3, and once I achieve those rankings I'll be the happiest man in FFXI. Enough day dreaming for now, I still have a long road ahead of me but this will allow for me to stop concentrating so much on the items I can get from raids and more on what I can do when we're not raiding.