Well the ending of 2005 was how can I say well eventfull. As I look back on this year DB came a long way...

In dec. we took out all three wyrms and in dec. followed up with oreo.

Through most of dec. we had no competition on fafnir and nidhogg

Here are some of my records for the year...

The result two pimped out cats.

Here are some more pics...

Through most of dec. we had a free month to catch on CoP. While my perma greatly wasted most of the month we eventually pushed the envelope and broke apart since shouting in jueno is still the most effective way to acomplish anything.
One thing we did stick to is Dynamis and I went from gimp to pimp in one day...

I hope to keep going to become the greatest enfeebler this server has ever seen... with those ambitions you always find people who are stingy and just straight up assholes.

This was a week later that he decided to remind me that I was undeserving of the hat when I showed up for the xarca again which potentially could be his hat I was there for.
For new years I went down to Canada and when I came back I found DB has completly changed. In fact I now forget why I'm part of it... Zana is gone, Zyaan is gone, Dakota is gone, Phodoce is gone, lots of others never came back from break, and plenty of new faces. I don't mind the new faces but I miss the old. I will continue to work hard and maybe in a few days be inspired and proud again.
I'm spending most of my time now trying to craft and quite frankly become filthy rich. I'd like to not only completly finish rdm off but also get my pld ready and begin working towards excaliber.
1 Month for Stage 2
4 Months for Stage 3
15 Months for Stage 4
So over a year of constant work and I might achieve my goal of walking around holding the great excaliber.
Afterwhich I will begin to work towards relic shield and a fully pimped out pld.